Vocal Range Finder – Female Voice

Great! In Invidia Voices, we know that some of you will prefer to sing with a higher voice, some with a lower voice and others somewhere in between. To make sure that everyone is comfortable and having fun whilst singing our arrangements, you can choose from 4 different parts:-

Click on which one you think best describes you ?

soprano-1-button – Female very high range voice – This part tends to take the top harmony notes and can occasionally be challenging but extremely expressive and fun.

soprano-2-button – Female high range voice – This part moves between the ranges of Soprano 1 and Alto 1 and regularly takes interesting counter melodies and juicy harmonies.

alto-1-button – Female mid range voice – This part will often sing the melody and is a great starting point if you are new to singing with a choir.

alto-2-button – Female lower range voice – This is the rock of the choir providing power and tone as well as back up to the tenor and bass parts.
